BENRALIZUMAB (New Hope For Asthma Patient)

Benralizumab Injection Reduces Risk

According to media reports, this treatment is being seen as the biggest breakthrough in respiratory diseases in the last 50 years.

A report published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine indicates that a new injection will be given to asthma and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) patients, showing promising results. This injection, named Benralizumab, works as a monoclonal antibody. It targets eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, which can help reduce inflammation in the lungs. Asthma and COPD patients are at risk of developing severe complications due to inflammation in their lungs.

Doctors state that while this treatment has been used in low doses for severe asthma, recent clinical trials have found that if it is injected during an asthma attack, it could be more effective. Experts have discovered that it could be up to 30% more effective than current treatments.

For this trial, 158 participants who required emergency medical care for asthma or COPD attacks were involved. The injection helped reduce symptoms and health complications.

What Did the Study Find?

For this study, the participants were divided into three groups. One group was given the Benralizumab injection along with dummy pills, the second group received standard care (prednisolone 30 mg per day for five days), and the third group received standard care along with the Benralizumab injection. The study results showed that after 28 days, participants who received the Benralizumab injection showed significant improvement in symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. After 90 days, the Benralizumab group had significantly improved compared to the other groups.

Could Asthma Risks Decrease?

According to Professor Mona Bafdel from King’s College London, this could be a game-changer for people with asthma and COPD. These two diseases cause millions of deaths worldwide, and despite this, there has been no significant change in the treatment of asthma and COPD for the last 50 years. This is the biggest breakthrough in five decades. We hope that this important study will change the way asthma and COPD are treated in the future, leading to improvements in the health of more than one billion people suffering from these diseases globally.


It is an allergic condition characterised by paroxysmal attacks of dyspnoea accompanied by wheezing,chiefly expiratory in nature,associated with bronchial spasm.


  1. Extrinsic – Starts in childhood,becomes alright in adult life.
  2. Intrinsic- Starts in adult,continue rest of life.


  • Psychic upset- emotional strain,anxiety,worry,etc.
  • Bronchial stimulation- by cold air or fog,dust,fumes etc.
  • Bronchial infection by various pathogenic organisms.
  • Allergy to various- (a)-inhalants,ex-pollens,room dust,book dust,orris-root powder,animal and flower emanations,drugs,gum acacia etc.
  • (b)-Ingestants,ex-eggs,milk,fish,cheese,crabs,drugs,etc.
  • Smoking and Second hand smoke.


  • Heredity
  • Sex Both
  • Mostly start is chilhood or younger age..


During the attacks,lungs are voluminous and emphysematous,filling the entire pleural cavities Area of emphysema alternates with the areas of atelectasis or collapse.If asthma associated with bronchitis,emphysema ensues.


  • Dyspnea
  • Cyanosis,pale.
  • Tachycardia
  • Wheezing Sound during respiration.
  • Anxiety
  • Breathless
  • Chest pain
  • Severe Cough(Occurs at night)(dry or with phlegm)


  • X-Ray Cest
  • CBC
  • ESR
  • Sputum Culture
  • Test By Spirometry
  • Peak flow test
  • Allergy Test
  • Sinus X-ray


  • Lung infection
  • Status Asthmaticus.
  • Bronchitis or Tuberculosis
  • Emphysema of lungs
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Heart Attack


The individual attacks is good ,except in severe status asthmaticus where there is occasionally a fatal outcome.Spontaneous recovery is fairly common in episodic asthma,particularly in children,but rare in chronic asthma,which often causes permanent pulmonary damage.


Prevention of cold ,dust,infection,food avoid allergens.Rest in bed in propped up position on a back rest or sitting up in a chair which one is comfortable.Control of infection by appropriate antibiotics.


  • Anti Inflammatory Drugs Should be use.
  • Psychotherapy make good role.
  • Bronchodilators Uses makes better relief.
  • Inhaler and Inhaled Corticosteroids.
  • Deriphyllin, Theophylline Ampicilin,Azithromycin.
  • Nebulization is first .(Asthalin ,Budecort)
  • In Chronic and Severe conditions O2 applied.
  • Breathing Exercise, Yoga And meditation.
  • Follow the prevention and instructions given by your Doctor.