It means recurrent sudden attacks of unconsciousness
caused by impaired conduction of the impulse that regulates the
heartbeat; often applied specifically to atrioventricular heart block.
- Depression of conductivity is most commonly due to ischaemia, fibrosis or inflammation of the A. V. bundle.or to vagal stimulation.
- Myocardial infarction is the commonest cause.
- Idiopathic focal fibrosis – is a common cause of chronic heart block.
- Rheumatic fever and Diphtheria.
- Drugs, e-g., Digitalis,quinine etc.
- Cardiomyopathies.
- Disordered.atrial rhythms, .e.g.auricular fibrillation and flutter.
- Congenital causes, e.g. ventricular
- septal defect or maldevelopment of the bundle, etc.
- Aortic stenosis
- First Degree – All S.A, impulses are allowed to pass through A,V. node but the time is prolonged.
- Second Degree – Here S.A. impulses are not allowed to pass through A. V. node from time to time.
- Third Degree of complete heart block -Here no S. A. impulses are allowed to pass through A. V. node,therefore ventricles generate their own rhythm 30 to 40 per minute.
Heart attack is major sign of heart block.
- First Degree heartblock – can be diagnosed only by E.C.G.
- Second Degree heart block – here, from time to time, some S. A. impulses are not allowed to pass through A.V.node.
- Thus auricles contract but not the ventricles resulting in absence of heart sound and missing of pulse.
- This may occurs at regular Intervals giving rise to 2:1or 3:1 heart blocks or may occur irregularly.E.C.G. helps in the diagnosis.
Third Degree or complete heart block
- Pulse rate 36 -40 per minute.
- Rhythm regular; Volume high; Tension – high.
- Condition of arterial wall may be sclerosed.
- Character – may be collapsing. The pulse is a fixed pulse.
- Carotid artery may show carotid dance at a rate of 36 to 40 per minute.
- Jugular veins – show auricular pulsations at a rate of 72 per minute.
- Auscultation of mitral area – the intensity time, which is, called canon sound. E.C.G. will be the diagnosis.
The gravest danger of complete heart block is
Stokes-Adam’s Syndrome
- Complete Heart Block in acute myocardial infarction requires treatment to prevent undue bradycardia or asystole.
- Isoprenaline, as anintravenous infusion.
- Tablet Neoepinine 20-mgm. 1-tablet every 4hourly sublingually.
- Steroids in some cases may be given.
Note -All the medicine and treatment should be apply only on the direction of your Physician not on the basis of content.